Earn Your Community Service Learning Hours by Using Your Creative Talent!

community service students learning

Community Service For School is a great program for students looking to fulfill their service hours while gaining experience in writing, advertising, and marketing. It offers a unique platform to promote events and make a meaningful impact on the lives of special needs children and American Veterans. Reachout America – a national non-profit organization established nearly two decades ago to help both special needs children and our American Veterans – provides an opportunity for students who are not only seeking to complete their service learning hours, but also wanting to hone their writing, advertising, and marketing skills. By fulfilling the community service learning hours requirement, students gain the opportunity to work in fields that interest them, allowing them to experiment with possible career paths or work in a meaningful way with particular members of our society. Here’s how you can benefit from this opportunity! We encourage participants to download and complete our reflection page. Reflection is a process which allows one to record their thoughts and feelings about their experiences with community service and their outlook towards the world..

* Writing Skills: If you have a knack for the written word, Reachout America can provide you with the chance to develop your writing skills. You can create engaging content for event promotions, blog posts, newsletters, or social media campaigns. Crafting compelling messages that resonate with the target audience is an essential skill in marketing and advertising.

* Advertising and Marketing Experience: This national non-profit offers a real-world platform for you to practice advertising and marketing techniques. You can develop creative strategies to raise awareness about events, attract participants, and generate interest in the organization’s cause. This experience can be valuable if you’re considering pursuing a degree in advertising or marketing.

* Portfolio Building: If you’re looking to build a portfolio with real-world projects, The non-profit can provide you with opportunities to showcase your skills. By working on event promotions, social media campaigns, or content creation, you can gather tangible examples of your work that can strengthen your portfolio and impress potential employers or admissions committees.

* Service Learning Hours Completion: Our non-profit allows you to fulfill your Student Service Learning (SSL) hours or community service requirements while making a positive impact on the lives of special needs children and American Veterans. By volunteering your time and skills, you not only meet your graduation requirements but also contribute to a worthy cause.To get involved with Reachout America, reach out to the organization directly. Inquire about volunteer opportunities, explain your interests and skills, and express your desire to contribute to their advertising and marketing efforts. They will guide you on how you can best utilize your abilities to benefit their cause.

To get involved with Community Service for School, reach out to the organization directly. [email protected] Inquire about volunteer opportunities, explain your interests and skills, and express your desire to contribute to their advertising and marketing efforts. They will guide you on how you can best utilize your abilities to benefit their cause.

Remember, always communicate with the organization to understand their specific needs and requirements. This will help you align your skills and interests with their goals and make a meaningful contribution to their initiatives.

Ways to Combine Your Creative Aspirations with Community Service*

Compose a compelling, well-written letter Example …. Example 2

Use the persuasive writing techniques you learned in school to draft a letter promoting Reachout America’s mission to help raise money for our American Veterans and/or critically ill and special needs children. Appeal to other families with children, VFW Halls, Lions Club members, churches, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and other potential readers who are service-centered and want to make a difference in the lives of others. End your letter with a call to action – telling your readers you are on a mission to raise donations by a certain date to send “100” critically-ill or special needs kids (and their caregivers and family members) to unique camps this season. For every $100 collected and donated, you will earn 10 hours of community service hours.

Design an eye-catching flyer….. Example

Using the countless online graphic design and arts-based platforms or the traditional ink or paint to paper, create a flyer that promotes your goal to draw awareness to and raise funds for kids who are deathly ill or have so many special needs they rarely get to leave their homes; or, design a flyer that reminds people of how our freedom is founded on our oft-forgotten and overlooked American Veterans who need our help. Make copies of your flyers that include a call to action. (Many local print shops will agree to give you free prints in exchange for placing their business information at the bottom of your flyer!) Distribute them throughout your community with your goal to raise “x” amount of donations for Reachout America by a certain date. For every $100 collected and donated, you will earn 10 hours of community service hours.

*All artwork, letters, essays, flyers, and other promotional pieces must be sent to Reachout America for review and approval first before they can be distributed, snail mailed, or posted on social media platform.

Community service learning fits into a larger picture, in which youth identify a need, develop solutions to address that need, implement a plan to put their solution into action while reflecting on the results of their action – while reflecting on the results of their action – which eventually affects one’s lifestyle and outlook towards the world.

Community Service that helps special needs kids, at-risk youth, and Veterans can have a significant positive impact on both the individuals involved and the community as a whole. Here are some suggestions for community service activities that can benefit these groups: The benefits reaped by both you and the recipient(s) are ongoing, life-changing, and immeasurable. All community service action – whether it be direct or indirect – mandatory or voluntary — inspires and encourages career preparation and personal reflection. By taking the time to think about how the entire experience – the planning, promoting, and completing of the project – inspired, changed, or motivated them. Through reflection, an individual ultimately will “reflect” how one’s life, thoughts, values, and/or mindset has been changed as a result making a purposeful choice to take action that will help others in society.

I’m Coming Home“- Introducing the “I’m Coming Home” Youth Program! Our goal is to provide free transportation for at-risk youth to safely return home as well as the expenses required to provide a safe refuge in a supportive environment for children who do not have a healthy home life in which to return. We understand the challenges faced by young individuals who find themselves in difficult situations away from their families and support systems. By partnering with Reachout America and the local community, we aim to make a positive impact on their lives. Here’s how you can get involved: Spread the word: Share information about the “I’m Coming Home” Youth Program with your local community, schools, businesses, friends, and family. Raise awareness about the issue of at-risk youth and the need for free transportation to reunite them with their families. Organize fundraising events, campaigns, or donation drives in your community to gather the necessary funds for providing transportation services. Reach out to local businesses, organizations, and individuals who may be interested in supporting this cause.

i stock-photo-8165213-making-a-donation_ezr Community Service for Schools via Reachout America

Collection Container Program

Our Collection Container Program for Special Needs Kids, Youth, and Veterans! This program aims to provide much-needed support and assistance to these deserving individuals. By utilizing collection containers strategically placed in various locations, we can gather funds to help enhance their lives and provide necessary resources. Share the stories and challenges faced by special needs kids, youth, and Veterans, highlighting the importance of supporting their well-being and honoring their service.

The Collection Container Program not only helps raise funds but also raises awareness within the community about the cause you are supporting. It is an opportunity to engage local businesses and individuals in making a positive impact. Please ensure to adhere to local regulations and guidelines when approaching businesses and handling funds. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us. Together, we can help bring these teens back to safety and provide them with the support they need.

bigstock-recycle-bin-filled-with-old-escrap Community Service for Schools via Reachout America
Cell Phone Recycling Campaign

You can organize this program in your neighborhood or at work. Our recycling center pays between $1 – $60 per phone and also pays the shipping cost. On average, each phone collected is worth about $3. Just think, you can help save our landfills AND help Send a Kid to Camp at the same time! For every $10 worth of cell phones collected you will earn 1 Service Learning Hour.

* Allow up to 6 months due to shipping and the time to collect the recyclables.

Step 1: Visit WirelessAlliance.com and follow the directions on how the Cell Phone Recycling Program works

Step 2: Click on the “10-1000” button and begin filling out the online form making sure to put Reachout America in the “Organization” field

Step 3: Upon the successful collection and return of cell phones you will receive confirmation via email of the total Service Learning Hours that you have earned based on the value of each phone and give you instructions on how to obtain your Completion Letter.

bigstock-Boy-Using-A-Soapy-Sponge-To-Clean up Community Service for Schools via Reachout America

Benefit Car Wash

By organizing a car wash event to benefit the nonprofit, you can raise funds, increase awareness about the organization’s cause, and engage the community in a meaningful way. It’s a great opportunity to combine a fun activity with a philanthropic purpose. This is one of the favorite fund raising ideas of many. Enlist your friends, secure a location and wash your way to success. For every $10 collected, you will receive 1 Service Learning Hour.


Bake sale woohoo Community Service for Schools via Reachout AmericaYard/Rummage Sale

This is a good way to sell gently used/unwanted possessions and gather support for your cause. You can ask for donations from friends, family, co-workers or teachers to build up your “inventory” and maximize your earning potential. Including a bake sale or other concessions (hot dogs and soda) is a great way to keep people browsing and raise additional funds at the same time. For every $10 collected, you will receive 1 Service Learning Hour.


bigstock-Confectioner-Female-Offering-bake sale items Community Service for Schools via Reachout AmericaBake Sale

This has been a tried-and-true fundraiser although there are some initial costs associated with making the delicious desserts. However, you can ask for “baked donations” from friends and family. For every $10 collected, you will receive 1 Service Learning Hour.

Step 1: Download and print our container label by clicking on the Collection Container Label. Attach the label onto condiment containers using glue or scotch tape.

Step 2: Approach local businesses such as restaurants, convenience stores, beauty salons, and other establishments with medium to high traffic. Seek permission from the owner or manager to place the collection containers in highly visible areas within their premises.

Step 3: Once the collection containers are set up, regularly check on them and collect the donations. Keep track of the funds raised for your Service Learning Hours.

Step 4: Upon completion of your desired Service Learning Hours, retrieve the Collection Containers and submit the proceeds through credit, debit, or PayPal. Upon receiving your funds, contact us at [email protected] we will provide instructions via email on how to obtain your Completion Letter.

Always check with your school liaison or school before you begin your community service to ensure it is acceptable.